Physical transfers to State Records’ custody can occur once:

You will be advised whether the transfer is to be delivered to Gepps Cross or Collinswood.

Checklist for physical transfer:

  • all items proposed for transfer are ready for delivery
  • the contents of all boxes match the items Access and Description Lists
  • boxes are labelled with series, consignment and unit numbers in permanent marker
  • your approved storage provider or transport provider is able to deliver on the agreed date
  • the items are not mouldy or damaged

If changes to a consignment are necessary, you must advise the Archive Team as soon as possible before the transfer occurs.

Consignments that do not meet transfer requirements may be returned to your agency at your expense for correction, or your agency may be invoiced, as per State Records’ regulated fees and charges, for the time taken by an archivist to re-process the information assets.

Page last updated: 3 November 2022