The stages in the archive transfer process are:

Before you consider proposing a transfer, it is important to identify all items that are suitable for transfer.

We encourage you to transfer information assets only once (or maybe twice) a year. It is important that all information assets eligible for transfer are identified as part of a proactive disposal program.

To identify information assets suitable for transfer:

  • sort information assets into their recordkeeping systems by file number or date (or however they were originally arranged) e.g. sort minute books in chronological order, dockets in docket number order  etc
  • separate permanent information assets from temporary information assets using an RDS or GDS we do not accept transfers of temporary value information assets
  • separate active information assets from inactive information assets, we do not accept transfers of actively used information assets
  • separate sensitive information assets that will not be publicly accessible, we may not accept transfers of information assets which are restricted from public access for a long period
  • remove duplicate copies where the information assets are in digital format (we may not accept transfer of physical items where they duplicate digital information assets)
  • locate any missing information assets from the sequence that are no longer active, checking all storage areas and offsite storage providers

We only accept transfers of permanent information assets which are:

  • over 15 years old
  • inactive (not needed for any ongoing business purposes or to provide access under FOI)
  • publicly accessible, or soon to be open to public access

If you have information assets that do not meet this criteria, please contact us to discuss your requirements.

Once you have identified information assets eligible for transfer, you need to prepare a Transfer Proposal form. The Transfer Proposal summarises all of the information assets you want to transfer at the same time.

Archives Access and Description Lists and the physical transfer of information assets will not be processed or accepted unless a Transfer Proposal form has been approved by us.

If you are unsure about how to complete a Transfer Proposal contact State Records.

An archivist will review your Transfer Proposal and notify you whether the information assets are eligible for transfer.

Although you might box and list information assets for your own storage purposes, you may not want to start completing any documentation required by us (e.g. Archive access and description lists) until you receive confirmation that the information assets are eligible for transfer, as the effort may be wasted.

If they are not eligible for transfer, you will be advised what options are available for managing them.

Once you have received confirmation that the information assets are eligible for transfer you can start preparing the required documentation, which includes:

  • an Archives Access and Description Lists for each set of items from different recordkeeping systems e.g. a list of minute books, a list of correspondence dockets, a list of corporate files etc
  • answering questions about each recordkeeping system (if the information assets do not already have a Government Record Series, or GRS, number)
  • a public access determination identifying whether the information assets are openly accessible, or are closed to public access for a set period before they become open as their sensitivity diminishes (if a determination has not already been made)

The required documentation enables your agency to identify what has been transferred to our custody, and helps us understand the information assets transferred so we can assist the public to access the information assets.

You need to submit all of the documentation relating to an approved transfer at the same time. We will not action any documentation until it has all been received.

An archivist will review all of the documentation received and advise you whether any changes or more information is required.

Once the documentation has been finalised and approved you will be advised that the physical transfer of the information assets is approved. You will be offered possible dates and times for the physical transfer of the information assets, and advised which repository the information assets will be received at.

You are responsible for arranging and paying for the transportation of the information assets to the nominated repository at the agreed date and time.

When the information assets are received in the repository, they will be barcoded, shelved and our systems will be updated with details of the records.

You will be sent confirmation of the information assets received and reports detailing how the information assets can be identified in our catalogue.

You should retain this information in your recordkeeping system, as you remain responsible for information assets of your agency (and its predecessors) which are in our custody.

Page last updated: 3 November 2022