FOI applications must be made to the agency that holds the documents you wish to access.
FOI Applications can be made to most South Australian state government agencies:
- online using the Make a freedom of information request or
- complete the FOI Application, Request for Access to Documents form and send it to the government agency.
Medical records
To request access to your medical records contact the hospital you attended that holds the documents.
Police Records
To request access your police records make an application to South Australia Police.
Make an online FOI request using the Make a freedom of information request.
To make a written request use the FOI Application, Request for Access to Documents form.
- Print the form.
- add the details of the information you want to access.
- send to government agency that is holding the information you want to access.
If you prefer to write a letter requesting access to documents, your letter must:
- specify that you are making an application under the Freedom of information Act 1991
- include your name and your postal address in Australia
- describe the documents you would like to access
- specify whether the documents contain information about your personal affairs
- request how you want to access the document e.g. do you wish to inspect the document or do you want a copy
- include the application fee unless you are lodging an application to amend your personal records or you hold a concession card (proof will be required)
- be sent directly to the state government department or agency, minister, local council or state university that holds the information.
Access to Cabinet documents older than 20 years can be sought through freedom of information by applying directly to the relevant agency using the standard application form.
Some older Cabinet documents that have been transferred to the custody of State Records may be available to access at the State Records Research Centre.
FOI Request for Access -Cabinet documents between 10 and 20 years old can be accessed under the policy, Premier and Cabinet Circular 31: Disclosure of Cabinet Documents 10 Years or Older.
There is also an electronic form you can complete and lodge by email.
Access to Cabinet Documents under PC031 brochure details accessing the records of the Cabinet of the South Australian Government.
The Department of the Premier and Cabinet publishes certain Cabinet documents that are 10 years old for everyone to access.
You do not need to make an application to access these Cabinet documents because they are publicly available.
Under freedom of information you can apply to have documents concerning your personal affairs amended, by completing the Amendment Application Form, if they are:
- incomplete
- incorrect
- misleading or
- out-of-date.
A freedom of information application for access to documents must be accompanied by the fee as stated in the current application form.
Additional charges may be levied to process your request.
If you hold a concession card, or are financially disadvantaged, all fees will be waived in accordance with the regulations. Proof will be required.
Full details are available in the Fees Notice.
A state government agency, minister, local council or state university has up to 30 calendar days to process your written application once it is received.
In some cases it may be necessary to extend the time limit for processing your application. The agency will notify you if this is the case.
If the agency you apply to refuses you access to all or part of a document you requested access to, you will be informed of the reasons why and advised of your rights to seek a review or appeal.
You can also complete the FOI Review Decision Application Form to seek a review or appeal if you have applied for your personal records to be amended under freedom of information and amendment has been refused.