An Enduring Power of Attorney is a legal document where a person (‘the donor’) appoints another person (‘the donee’) to manage their assets and financial affairs. This can occur as a result of illness, an accident, or the donor’s absence, or if the donor feels they cannot cope with the complexity of managing their financial affairs.
The appointment may come into operation immediately or may be deferred for a future need or event. It can be for a fixed period or to perform a specific task and may be revoked at any time, providing the donor has the mental capacity to do so.
Access conditions
Records containing financial information are typically open for general public access after 60 years.
Records held
Powers of attorney, Land Office (later Registrar-General of Deeds), 1836 - 1885 (GRG 35/496)
Powers of attorney, single number series, 1838 - 1867 (GRS 12162)
Index to powers of attorney, 1852 - 1867 (GRS 12161)
Estate files, numerical series - Public Trustee, 1910 to present day (GRS 747) - this series involves the Public Trustee exercising a Power of Attorney